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1. 青藏高原土著鸟类和移居鸟类的糖脂代谢特征和调节机制比较研究,编号31770445,国家自然科学基金(面上项目),2018-2021,负责人
3. 树麻雀(Passer montanus)季节性繁殖行为的分子内分泌调节机制研究,编号C2013205018,河北省自然科学基金,2013-2015,负责人
4. 河北省太行山区生物多样性优先区规划编制,环保部南京环境科学研究所,2016-2017,负责人
5. 河北冀北山地森林生态系统陆生野生动物资源调查,国家林业局全国野生动物第二次调查项目,2014-2016,负责人
6. 河北省海河平原野生动植物资源调查,国家林业局全国野生动物第二次调查项目,2013-2014,负责人
1. Yaqing Li,Yanfeng Sun, Jesse S. Krause, Mo Li, Xuelu Liu, Weiwei Zhu, Yao Yao, Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者), Dongming Li. Dynamicinteractions between corticosterone, corticosteroid binding globulin andtestosterone in response to capture stress in male breeding Eurasian treesparrows. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular &Integrative Physiology, 2017, 205: 41-47.(SCI 收录)
2. Yanfeng Sun,Mo Li, Gang Song , Fumin Lei , Dongming Li, Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者). The role of climate factors ingeographic variation in body mass and wing length in a passerine bird. AvianResearch, 2017, 2017, 8:1(SCI 收录)
3. Yanfeng Sun,Zhipeng Ren, Yuefeng Wu, Fumin Lei, Robert Dudley, Dongming Li. Flying high:limits to flight performance by sparrows on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journalof Experimental Biology, 2016, 219: 3642-3648. (cover story, SCI 收录)
4. Lina Wu,Yanfeng Sun, Mo Li, Yaqing Li, Yao Yao, Xuelu Liu, Yinchao Hao, Dongming Li,Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者). Molecular cloning and 3D structure prediction of myoglobin andcytoglobin in Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus. Journal of Ornithology,2016, 157: 493-504.(SCI 收录)
5. Mo Li,Yanfeng Sun, Junzhe Wu, Xiaorui Zhang, Juyong Li, Yao Yao, Xuelu Liu, DongmingLi, Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者). Variation in corticosterone response and corticosteroidbinding-globulin during different breeding sub-stages in Eurasian tree sparrow(Passer montanus). Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A, 2016, 325:75-83.(SCI收录)
6. Dongming Li,Yinchao Hao , Xuelu Liu , Yao Yao, Chao Du, Xiaorui Zhang, Shuo Cui, Lina Wu,Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者). Changes in phytohaemagglutinin skin-swelling responses during thebreeding season in a multi-brooded species, the Eurasian tree sparrow: do maleswith higher testosterone levels show stronger immune responses? Journal ofOrnithology, 2015, 156: 133-141.(SCI收录)
7. Lina Wu,Yanfeng Sun, Juyong Li, Yaqing Li, Yuefeng Wu (通讯作者), Dongming Li. A phylogeny of thePasserida (Aves: Passeriformes) based on mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene.Avian Research, 2015, 6: 1.(SCI 收录)
8. Chao Du, BeiQiao, Yaqing Li, Yao Yao, Lina Wu, Shuo Cui, Xuelu Liu, Yinchao Hao, DongmingLi, Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者). Molecular cloning of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoidreceptors in Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus. Ornithological Science,2014, 13: 19-27.(SCI收录)
9. Dongming Li,Ji Zhang, Dan Liu, Li Zhang, Yonghong Hu, Xianglin Duan, Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者). Coping with extreme: highlandEurasian tree sparrows with molt-breeding overlap express higher levels ofcorticoserone-binding globulin than lowland sparrows. Journal of ExperimentalZoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2013, 319: 482-486. (SCI收录)
10. DongmingLi, Xiaorui Zhang, Yaqing Li, Chenyang Hao, Ji Zhang, Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者). Stress responses of testosteroneand corticosterone-binding globulin in a multi-brooded species, Eurasian TreeSparrows (Passer montanus): Does CBG function as a mediator?. Hormones andBehavior, 2012, 61: 582-589. (SCI收录)
11. DongmingLi, Junzhe Wu, Xiaorui Zhang, Xiaofei Ma, John C. Wingfield, Fumin Lei, GangWang, Yuefeng Wu(通讯作者). Comparison of adrenocortical responses to acute stress in lowlandand highland Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus): Similar patterns duringthe breeding, but different during the prebasic molt. Journal of ExperimentalZoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2011, 315: 512-519. (SCI收录)
1. 吴跃峰, 徐成立, 孔昭普主编. 河北滦河上游国家级自然保护区脊椎动物志. 北京:科学出版社,2013.
2. 刘敬泽, 吴跃峰主编. 动物学. 北京:科学出版社,2013.
3. 刘敬泽, 吴跃峰主编. 动物学实验教程. 北京:科学出版社,2013.
4. 吴跃峰, 武明录, 曹玉萍等编著. 河北省动物志•两栖爬行哺乳卷. 石家庄:河北科学技术出版社,2009
5. 赵建成, 吴跃峰, 关文兰主编. 河北驼梁自然保护区科学考察与生物多样性研究. 北京:科学出版社,2008
6. 吴跃峰, 赵建成, 关文兰主编. 河北驼梁自然保护区生物多样性图集. 北京:科学出版社,2008
7. 赵建成, 吴跃峰主编. 生物资源学(第二版). 北京:科学出版社,2008.
8. 吴跃峰, 刘敬泽主编. 动物学考研精解. 北京:科学出版社,2008.
1. 《河北省动物志》编研. 河北省自然科学二等奖. 2012. 第五完成人
2. 人体及动物科学课程与教学团队建设研究与实践. 河北省教学成果一等奖. 2013. 第四完成人